Born and raised in Japan, Tadashi Tahara is an integral member of the firm’s Japan practice, representing Japanese corporations and their subsidiaries throughout the United States in all stages of business. He is bilingual in Japanese and English, and his understanding of Japanese business and culture is invaluable to the firm’s clients. He also represents other various international or domestic companies.
Tadashi’s corporate practice experience focuses on cross-border and domestic business transactions, including due diligence in mergers and acquisitions, financing agreements, and drafting and developing share purchase and shareholders agreements and asset purchase agreements. He also provides advice to foreign companies setting up subsidiaries in the United States. As a member of the firm’s Commercial, Competition & Trade practice, he works on a myriad of commercial transactions, including the development, manufacture, and sale of goods, services, and technology, manufacturing and supply arrangements, and intellectual property license agreements.
Prior to joining Masuda Funai, Tadashi spent about 6 years as an associate attorney at a law firm in Tokyo, Japan, and he was a legal intern for The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Representation in Japan, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan.