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Managing and aggressively protecting intellectual property and technology assets is at the center of business today. At Masuda Funai, we work with domestic and international companies of all sizes on the development, protection, sale, transfer and licensing of IP, inventions and information technology, proprietary information and business method processes — across the country and around the world.

Our attorneys identify and protect trade secrets, proprietary processes and practices, patents, trademarks, copyrights and Internet domain assets. We conduct audits of intangible assets, as well as draft and enforce IP rights, trade secrets and privacy policies and procedures. We provide training for management and employees on trade secret protection including confidentiality, non-disclosure, works-for-hire and non-competition issues. In addition, we prosecute trademark applications and execute patent, trademark, trade name, corporate name and registration searches, as well as represent clients before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB).

Regarding electronic commerce, we identify and advise on emerging legal issues such as privacy, allocation of territorial rights for cyberspace sales and risk management of tax and legal action in remote jurisdictions. We prepare website terms of use, privacy and security policies and other clickwrap agreements, as well as advise on e-mail practices, metatags, framing, linking, cybersquatting and contracting for web development and hosting services.

We are well-versed in the technologies that support business and drive commerce. Our attorneys negotiate development, integration, implementation and maintenance agreements for ERP, CRM, database, website and other types of information systems for clients that develop and market such technologies or services including hardware, software and consulting. We negotiate and form strategic partnerships and technology joint ventures with particular skill in heavy industry and manufacturing. We also advise on all aspects of investments in technology start-ups, joint ventures, research collaborations and strategic alliances, particularly where the partners are of different nationalities and cultures. In addition, we counsel clients in connection with universities and private research foundations regarding licensing policies, procedures and ownership.

Our litigators vigorously defend each client’s IP and technology rights, from the initial cease and desist phase through and including injunction proceedings, trial, mediation and/or favorable settlement. We resolve disputes involving unfair competition, patent/trademark/copyright infringement, trade dress, trade secret misappropriation, counterfeiting, trademark dilution, domain name and comparative advertising claims. We also prosecute cases against departing employees who improperly use sensitive, hard-earned customer IP and proprietary data, and counterfeiting by unauthorized product sellers.

Range of Services Experience


Advised foreign trade agency with respect to the development and implementation of an interactive trade promotion and partner selection website.

Advised foreign-based industrial equipment company with foreign national employees regarding compliance with U.S. Department of Defense contractor regulations on access to classified information.

Counseled a Silicon Valley VoIP hardware company on all business matters, including its distribution, licensing and mergers and acquisition projects.
Negotiated worldwide software licensing and distribution arrangements, including for a transaction required by U.S. antitrust authorities in connection with clearance of a pending merger of leading semiconductor equipment companies.
Presented intellectual property and confidentiality protection training program to senior management of factory automation company. Provided employee policies regarding ownership and use of corporate technology.

Represented a leading Asian software distributor in its negotiations to be the preferred and master distributor in a major territory for an internationally recognized business intelligence software company.

Represented a leading IC chip assembler in the negotiation of its investment in, and research collaboration agreements with, a Sunbelt start-up formed to patent, develop and market the spherical semiconductor.
Represented a pharmaceutical company with respect to its investment in, exclusive distribution rights from and research collaboration agreement with a Route 128 biotechnology company developing new platform for sustained release of protein drugs.
Represented a printing chemical company in prosecuting patent infringement claims against a competitor.

Represented a start-up company with a proprietary plasma pyrolysis waste treatment technology, including with respect to patent protection, strategic investments, technology licenses and demonstration projects at host medical facilities.

Represented a variety of information technology consulting and staffing firms in development of their professional services agreements for customers and engagement agreements for independent contractors.

Represented an international factory automation company in the filing of a domain name dispute arbitration proceeding before the World Intellectual Property Organization.
Represented licensor office furniture company in negotiation of grant of exclusive North American patent, know-how and trademark license for ergonomic chair.

Represented well-known foreign consumer products company in negotiation of grants of exclusive North American trademark licenses to separate power tool and outdoor equipment companies. Negotiated related website and domain name cooperation arrangements.

Advised industrial equipment manufacturer of sophisticated machine tools with dual commercial and military applications regarding compliance with U.S. export control regulations for purposes of sales into certain Asian countries.

Advised a multinational technology and materials company in its steps to achieve compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Facilitated a software technology firm’s response to a data breach incident, including the preparation of data breach notification letters for compliance with the laws of multiple U.S. jurisdictions.

Advised an international electronic entertainment company on U.S. laws and regulations applicable to its bringing a number of its entertainment properties to the North American market, with an emphasis on online gaming and E-Sports competition sectors.

Obtained complete dismissal of Trademark and Copyright Claims filed in United States District Court against a domestic consumer electronics company by competitor located in Southeast Asia. Client retained all rights to pertinent trademark registrations in the United States, and as a part of a global resolution of worldwide disputes related to the pertinent trademark and copyright, client also maintained trademark registrations in European Union jurisdictions which allowed client to significantly expand distribution footprint into European marketplace (June 2020). 



Naureen Amjad
Principal, Chicago
P 312.245.7538
Michael S. Golenson
Principal, Chicago
P 312.245.7529
Steven L. Katz
Principal, Chicago
P 312.245.7500
Kenton P. Knop
Senior Associate, Los Angeles
P 310.630.5900
George H. Kobayashi
President, Chicago
P 312.245.7500
Reinhold F. Krammer
Principal, Chicago
P 312.245.7500
Joseph S. Parisi
Of Counsel, Schaumburg
P 847.734.8811
Nancy E. Sasamoto
Principal, Chicago
P 312.245.7500
Jiwon Juliana Yhee
Principal, Chicago
P 312.245.7500
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Legal Updates/Client Advisories
Protecting Trademarks on A Key Insight for Foreign-Owned Businesses
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U.S. State Data Privacy Law Updates for 2024
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Guidance for Inventorship and Patentability of AI-Assisted Inventions
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Protecting Intellectual Property in the AI Age
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U.S. Supreme Court Limits the Lanham Act's Extraterritorial Reach
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Does Your Company Use End User License Agreements to Protect its Software?
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Supreme Court's Trademark Decision Puts "Bad Spaniels" Toys in the Doghouse
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Patent Freedom-to-Operate - What is it and When is it Needed?
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Are You Losing Revenue by Not Fully Taking Advantage of Your IP Portfolio?
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Preparing for the California Privacy Rights Act
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Top 3 Intellectual Property & Technology Issues to Consider for 2022
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New York City Biometrics Privacy Law Allows Private Right of Action Against Companies for Improperly Using or Retaining Customers' Biometric Data
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Recovering Attorneys' Fees in Trademark Cases Made Easier in Tenth Circuit
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"51% of U.S. Based Businesses Targeted by Cyber Attacks - A Checklist to Protect Your Company from Risk"
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Risks and Compliance Under the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act: No Actual Harm Required for Private Cause of Action
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An Overview of U.S. Data Breach Notification Laws
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Supreme Court Settles Long-Standing Circuit Split on Trademark Damages: Willful Infringement Is Not a Prerequisite for Awarding a Trademark Infringer's Profits
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EU Court of Justice Invalidates US-EU Privacy Shield and Spares SCCs in Landmark Schrems II Data Privacy Decision
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USPTO and Copyright Office Exercise Emergency Powers Granted by CARES Act to Provide Further Relief During COVID-19 Crisis
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COVID-19 Emergency Relief Measures Relating to Intellectual Property Rights
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The Digital Millennium Copyright Act: Protections for Copyright Owners and Online Service Providers
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A Brief Overview of The California Consumer Privacy Act
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U.S. Supreme Court Issues Decisions Resolving Two Major Copyright Law Issues
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U.S. Supreme Court Finally Speaks Regarding Trademark Licenses in Bankruptcy
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Illinois Supreme Court Issues Ruling in Landmark Biometric Information Privacy Case
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Mandatory U.S. Government Survey For U.S. Persons Who Have Had Transactions With Foreign Persons Involving Certain Services or Intellectual Property
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Supreme Court Cracks Down on Forum Shopping in Patent Lawsuits
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Giving Up What You Are Entitled To
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Trademark Infringement Suit That Should Not Have Been
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Complimentary Intellectual Property Webinar - Preparing for U.S. Data Privacy Laws in 2025
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Complimentary Seminar - Protecting Your Company's IP: Risk-Management Strategies and Best Practices
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Complimentary Webinar: Brand Protection in the US 101 (Webinar in Japanese)
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Complimentary Webinar: Be A-OK for CCPA: Preparing for the California Consumer Privacy Act
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Legal Symposium: Issues Facing U.S. Subsidiaries of Japanese Multinationals
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Fazila Vaid & Michael Golensen's Articles Lead BizBuddy's Rankings.
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Masuda Funai Hosted the 2022 Intellectual Property Seminar
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Masuda Funai Hosts Northern Ireland Delegation
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Masuda Funai Featured in The Japan Times
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Masuda Funai Elects Two New Principals
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