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ニュース&イベント: ウェビナー

米国雇用法ウェビナー<無料>「米国障害者法(ADA)― 障害を持つ従業員への合理的配慮義務とは」(使用言語:英語)



April 4, 2024
12:00-1:00pm CDT


Online Webinar

Frank Del Barto

The Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) requires private employers with fifteen or more employees to provide a reasonable accommodation to a “qualified individual” with a disability. State and local disability accommodation laws may also apply. A reasonable accommodation may include, among other possible accommodations, a schedule change, granting telework, and allowing a leave of absence for disability-related treatment. When requesting a reasonable accommodation, an employee’s doctor may provide a simple note stating that, “employee is under my care and will be working from home for four to six weeks.” Unfortunately, this all-too-common doctor’s note provides insufficient information for employers to determine if their employee is even considered a “qualified individual” with a disability under the ADA, and simply assumes that working from home for “four to six weeks” is a reasonable accommodation.

In this complimentary webinar, Frank will cover:

  • Companies covered by the ADA,
  • Who is a “qualified Individual” under the ADA,
  • How employees can request an accommodation,
  • Engaging in the interactive process to explore and select an accommodation,
  • Undue hardships, and
  • Maintaining proper records.

All sessions will be submitted for 60 minutes of HRCI and SHRM general recertification credit.

Questions? Please call 312-245-7500 or email