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ニュース&イベント: ウェビナー

【米国雇用法ウェビナー】<無料>労働災害保険法、家族医療休暇法(FMLA)、1985年予算調整法(COBRA)および米国障害者法(ADA)- 怪我を負った従業員にこれらの法律をどう適用すべきか?(使用言語:英語)



July 25, 2024
12:00-1:00pm CDT


Online Webinar 

Frank Del Barto

When an employee’s claim for a workers’ compensation injury or illness is approved, several laws may apply to the employee’s absence from work during the lifecycle of his/her claim. Depending on the duration of the workers’ compensation claim, the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) may apply to the employee’s absence. All too often, such employees are: (1) not provided FMLA leave of absence paperwork; (2) allowed to remain in the active group health insurance plan beyond the plan limits, and/or (3) not considered for an ADA accommodation. These unintentional missteps can result in the group medical insurance carrier denying non-work-related claims, demand letters, and/or federal or state litigation. During this webinar, Frank will summarize the benefits provided by workers’ compensation insurance, FMLA, COBRA, and the ADA before presenting common scenarios and the appropriate process and procedure for coordinating these various laws:

Human resource professionals, managers, and counsel will gain a better understanding of:

  • Workers’ Compensation and An Employer’s Ability to Manage Claims
  • How the FMLA Applies to Workers’ Compensation  
  • When Does COBRA Apply to Workers’ Compensation Claims
  • How the ADA May Apply to a Workers’ Compensation Claim
  • The Importance of Educating Managers to Follow the Process

All sessions will be submitted for 60 minutes of HRCI and SHRM general recertification credit.

Questions? Please call 312-245-7500 or email