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業務内容 主な取扱案件


















ミシガン州内部通報者保護法(Whistleblowers’ Protection Act)に基づく請求により、元従業員に提訴された雇用主を代理し、有利なサマリー・ジャッジメントを獲得した。本件では、従業員が、雇用主の不法行為についてデトロイト市行政機関に通報することを懸念した雇用主から報復行為を受けたとして、雇用主を訴えていた。裁判所は、従業員が雇用主による報復行為があった事実を証明できなかったと判示した。それ以前にも裁判所は、同従業員が制定法および判例法の両法に基づく同一の理論により訴因を主張できなかったとして、雇用主の棄却申立を認めていた。Yurk v. Applications Software Tech. Corp., No. 15-cv-13962, 2018 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 7244 (E.D. Mich. Jan. 17, 2018)(サマリー・ジャッジメントの認容); Yurk v. Applications Software Tech. Corp., No. 15-cv-13962, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 22804 (E.D. Mich. Feb. 17, 2017)(コモンローによる請求の棄却申立の認容)

RICO法およびコモンローに基づく不正行為、ならびに契約違反を理由に訴えられたクライアントを代理し、仲裁手続により有利な結果に導いた。本事件の発端は、原告会社の倒産および精算であったが、原告は、クライアントに4億5千万ドルを超える損害賠償金を請求し、ニューヨーク州南部地区連邦地方裁判所で訴訟を提起した。最終的に、両当事者間の契約規定によりイリノイ州で仲裁手続が行われ、原告はクライアントに対する本請求を取り下げた。 (2018年9月)




RICO法およびコモンローに基づく不正行為、ならびに契約違反を理由に訴えられたクライアントを代理し、仲裁手続により有利な結果に導いた。本事件の発端は、原告会社の倒産および精算であったが、原告は、クライアントに4億5千万ドルを超える損害賠償金を請求し、ニューヨーク州南部地区連邦地方裁判所で訴訟を提起した。最終的に、両当事者間の契約規定によりイリノイ州で仲裁手続が行われ、原告はクライアントに対する本請求を取り下げた。 (2018年9月)


某社は、元従業員が、某社に勤務していたときに関与していた新たなプロダクト・アプリケーションのソフトウエア・ソース・コードと他の企業秘密を転職先の会社で不正な目的のために使用したとして、同従業員を訴えた。某社を代理し、同従業員の不正使用に対して暫定的差止命令および終局的差止命令を獲得した。Mitutoyo America Corporation v. Cox and Fast CMM, LLC, No. 20-cv-03778 (N.D. Ill. Sept. 14, 2020).

イリノイ州クック郡巡回裁判所で多数当事者を相手取ってイリノイ州消費者詐欺法(Illinois Consumer Fraud Act)に基づく訴訟が提起された際に、クライアントを勝訴(請求棄却)に導いた。

造園会社が制限的な契約条項(restrictive covenant)の違反を理由として連邦裁判所で訴えられた際に、同社を代理した。その結果、同社に対する申立ては取り下げられた。


某社は、その元従業員が、同社のアフターマーケット・サービス会社に、同社の所有物を使用させていたとして、同従業員と同サービス会社を、米国営業秘密保護法(Defend Trade Secrets Act)、イリノイ州営業秘密法(Illinois Trade Secrets Act)および契約の違反ならびに不法妨害を理由に提訴した。某社を代理し、被告に対して仮差止を請求した。裁判所が仮差止の申立てを認めた直後に、クライアントに有利な条件で和解が成立した。Mazak Optonics Corp. v. Marlette, No. 17-cv-1023, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 124629 (N.D. Ill. Aug. 8, 2017)

日系企業の子会社および関連会社が、親会社と共に、解雇した元マネージャーに年齢差別を理由に訴えられた際に代理した。当初100万ドル以上の損害賠償が請求されていたが、本件は全請求において棄却された。Kotegawa v. MAC Funding, et. al., No. 16-cv-4150 (N.D. Ill. Apr. 19, 2017)

適時の現金払込みを怠ったことにより、法人株主の持分の希薄化が生じたことを主張する共同経営者間の紛争において、株主を代理した。最終的には非陪審審理が行われ、反対当事者の主張に対して、当該株主は全支払義務を果たし、かつ持分の50%を維持したという同株主にとって有利な判決が下された。Bishop Technologies Ltd. v. DBCMF, LLC, et al., No. 14-cv-10329 (N.D. Ill. Feb. 28, 2017) 

クライアントは、米国市場で工作機械を販売するに当たり独占的販売店契約に違反したとして、その元子会社により訴えられた。当事務所は、同契約には、契約当事者間で訴訟が生じた場合の専属的管轄裁判地の選択条項が定められており、かかる裁判地が韓国であることを主張し、最終的に、原告の請求は棄却された。DMC Machinery America Corp.v.FFG DMC Co., Ltd., et al, No. 16cv-269, U.S. Dist. LEXIS 152494 (M.D. III. Nov. 2, 2016)


イリノイ州マッケンリー郡の州検事は、公金横領の容疑で刑事訴追を受けたが、同事件で捜査を担当した私立探偵らが悪意訴追および不正行為をしたとして訴えた。スタイン弁護士は、私立探偵らを代理する防御チームメンバーとして、訴訟事件摘要書の作成を担当し、民事訴訟における私立探偵の免責資格を理由に本件棄却申立てをした。2回の申立ての後、棄却が認められ本件で勝訴した。原告は、連邦第7巡回区控訴裁判所に控訴したが、控訴裁判所は地方裁判所の判決を支持した。Bianchi v. McQueen, 818 F.3d 309 (7th Cir. 2016)

Chipotle専任の訴訟専門弁護士と協同して、本訴訟事件でChipotleを防御した。陪審裁判では、人種・出身国に基づく差別およびすべての報復請求に関する申立てについてChipotleに有利な評決が下された。Bob-Manuel v. Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc., 10 F. Supp. 3d 854 (N.D. Ill. 2014)

被告を代理し、名誉毀損および故意による精神的加害に基づく損害賠償請求に対して、全被告に有利な陪審評決を得た。原告側の証拠が提示された後で、裁判官は、信認義務違反を理由とする損害賠償請求に対して全被告に有利な指示評決を下した。Svoboda v. Club Zobak, et al., 2011 L 286 (Circuit Court of Will County, Illinois、2014/12/12)

イリノイ州控訴裁判所で、大手非営利団体の元役員を代理した。供述内容の実質的真実、無罪についての解釈、見解および限定的免責事由に基づき、同役員に対する名誉毀損の訴えを全面的に棄却させた。Coghlan v. Beck et al., 2013 IL App (1st) 120891

原告が、タイトル・シックス(市民的権利に関する法律第6編)、合衆国法典第42編21章1981条、および州法の規定する様々な市民的権利の侵害を理由に教会を訴えた際に教会を代理した。原告と被告(教会)との関係の希薄性を理由に裁判管轄権の不在を主張した結果、本件は却下された。Irving v. Chinese Christian Union Church, et al., No. 12-cv-8092 (N.D. Ill. 2013)



ノーリーン アムジャッド
プリンシパル, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7538
ゲーリー ヴィスト
プリンシパル, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
スティーブン キャッツ
プリンシパル, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
ケントン クノップ
シニア・アソシエイト, ロサンゼルス
Tel 312.245.7460
ラインホールド クレイマー
プリンシパル, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
パトリック ケリー
アソシエイト, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
マイケル ゴーレンソン
プリンシパル, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7529
ジョン スタニス
プリンシパル, シャンバーグ
Tel 847.734.8811
笹本 ナンシー
プリンシパル, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
ティモシー ハマースミス
プリンシパル, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
シェイン ベキアン
アソシエイト, ロサンゼルス
Tel 310.630.5900
ケヴィン ボアザン
シニア・アソシエイト, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
エイサ マーケル
プリンシパル, ロサンゼルス
Tel 310.630.5900
クリスティン マクグリン
アソシエイト, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
ジウォン リー
プリンシパル, シカゴ
Tel 312.245.7500
顧客が倒産した際の回収額を最大化するための準備はできていますか? 倒産手続の申立件数は増加傾向にあります
多国籍企業は注意が必要です。最近、米国連邦巡回区控訴裁判所 (Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit) が、Brumfield v. IBG LLC (97 F.4th 854 (Fed. Cir. 2024)) 事件…
これまでにも当事務所は、ニュースレターやアドバイザリーを通じて、イリノイ州バイオメトリクス情報プライバシー保護法(BIPA: Illinois' Biometric Information Privacy Act (740 ILCS 14/1 et…
重要インフラ法によるサイバーインシデントの報告義務: サイバー攻撃への抑止力となる一方で、 企業にとってはより厳しい時間制限を課すものになる
新型コロナウイルス・パンデミックが発生し現在に至るまで、米国ではサイバー攻撃が著しく増加してきました。2022年3月にバイデン大統領は、「重要インフラストラクチャー向けサイバーインシデント報告法(CIRCIA: Cyber Incident Reporting for…
自社の知的財産を守るために ‐ 予期せぬ侵害や訴訟に備えて「いま」すべきこと
厳しい雇用情勢の中、「競業避止義務」 訴訟が活発化
As previously reported, the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) has made good on its warnings to pursue criminal antitrust charges against…
サプライチェーンの混乱に起因した契約違反から生じた請求に対する防御 …
Executive Summary The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) announced on January 21 its 2022 jurisdictional and filing fee thresholds under…
ビジネスメール詐欺(Business E-mail Compromise)への注意喚起
概要 サイバー犯罪の手段として、ビジネスメール詐欺(Business E-mail…
従業員のバイオメトリック・マーカーの適切な収集やそれに関する公表を怠った雇用主は、イリノイ州バイオメトリック情報プライバシー保護法(Illinois Biometric Information Privacy…
2021月6月3日、ヴァン・ビューレン対アメリカ合衆国事件(Van Buren v. United States, No. 1-783, 2021 WL 2229206)で、米国最高裁判所は、コンピュータ犯罪法(Computer Fraud and Abuse…
カリフォルニア州知事は、カリフォルニア州の(1986年)安全飲料水および有害物質施行法(Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of…
Executive Summary In both 2015 and in 2018 we reported on litigation between BRC Rubber & Plastics, Inc. ("BRC") and Continental Carbon…
Executive Summary When a party is in litigation, but feels it has a right to arbitrate, it can be a difficult decision whether to allow…
Executive Summary In any bankruptcy, there are inevitably winners and losers. The winners do not always do virtuous acts to win and the…
Litigious Attitude Coupled With Major Blunders Leads to Big Loss
Usually, being aggressive in business and in litigation is considered an advantage. But, as illustrated in a recent 7th Circuit case, it is…
DVO, Inc. (“DVO”) designs and builds anaerobic digesters that use microorganisms to break down biodegradable materials to create biogas…
Secured creditors filing a UCC financing statement under Article 9 must include a description of the collateral. (UCC 9-502) UCC Article 9…
イリノイ州が、租税恩赦(タックス・アムネスティ)を実施 ― 利息および罰則が免除される可能性
Under the 2019 Illinois Tax Delinquency Amnesty Act, Illinois taxpayers have the opportunity to pay delinquent taxes with the possibility…
A long term supply arrangement can become very complicated. The terms may become muddled or the parties’ relationship becomes strained…
2019年7月11日、米国司法省反トラスト局(「反トラスト局」)は、独占禁止法違反に対処し、刑事事件として審査するための手段(criminal antitrust…
Are Remedies Limitations Enforceable When a Limited Remedy "Fails of its Essential Purpose?"
Recently, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals had to deal with a state law issue under the Uniform Commercial Code that has tormented courts…
No Liability from Void Contract with Union
In May, 2008, Matthew Friedman, a manager of 1550 MP Road LLC (“MP Road”), must have been very pleased. He had just negotiated and signed a…
Illinois Supreme Court Issues Ruling in Landmark Biometric Information Privacy Case
Executive Summary The Illinois Supreme Court's recent ruling that actual harm is not required to establish a cause of action for a…
Another Dilatory Claimant Loses Out
The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has faced multiple claims in which the defendants raised a statute of limitations defense, with mixed…
United States Supreme Court to Continue String of Arbitration Related Decisions
The United States Supreme Court remains active during this fall’s term in determining employers’ rights and obligations when companies…
Buyer's Failed Claim of Breach of Requirements Contract Takes a Strange Turn – Enforceable as a Supply Contract for Fixed Quantity
On December 7, 2015 we reported on a 7th Circuit opinion in which a buyer failed in its efforts to enforce a supply agreement as a…
Manufacturer Loses Big Time Twice – to its Customer and to its Insurance Company
Berry Plastics Corporation (now known as Berry Global, Inc.) is a manufacturer of primarily plastic packaging products. It encountered some…
Breach of Contract and Interference Claims Fail Due to Statute of Limitations
In a recent update, we discussed a topical 7th Circuit Court of Appeals case in which an unpaid law firm successfully fended off a defense…
Ten Years After Crash, Litigation Continues – Directors of Bankrupt Holding Company not Liable to Trustee
The Great Recession of 2008 may seem a distant memory. September 15, 2018 is the 10th anniversary of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, the…
Unsigned Contract Still a Written Contract
Can an unsigned contract still be a contract? The answer is yes, for statute of limitations purposes, says the 7th Circuit Court of…
Fraudster's "Blame the Victim" Defense Fails
Richard Carter was a rancher in Wyoming where he operated a family-owned cattle ranch. He had the misfortune of using a dishonest broker…
Parent Company's Alleged Control of Subsidiary Insufficient to Establish Personal Jurisdiction
It is not uncommon for plaintiff’s counsel to assert creative theories in an effort to establish personal jurisdiction over a defendant in…
"Notwithstanding Anything to the Contrary" Language Disputed in Recent Case
Drafters frequently use language such as “Notwithstanding anything [in this section] or [in this agreement]” to emphasize and make clear…
DOJ Announces First-of-its-Kind Settlement Regarding "No-Poach" Agreement
On April 3, 2018, the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) announced that it filed a civil antitrust lawsuit…
U.S. Supreme Court Announces New Standard for Interpreting FLSA Exemptions
Executive Summary Rejecting a ruling by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and nearly fifty years of prior court…
FTC Updated Guidance to Avoid "Gun Jumping" Liability During M&A Negotiations
On March 20, 2018, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) issued updated guidance concerning compliance with the antitrust laws while…
Does Vague and Subjective Wording Imply A Meaningless Contract?
Contracts should be precise and objective. Drafters should avoid subjective and vague language that could be subject to conflicting…
Another Release Unsuccessfully Attacked by Releasing Party
In our update of January 2, 2018, we reported on a 7th Circuit case in which the releasing party, ADM, unsuccessfully tried to overcome the…
Challenger to Arbitration Award in More Trouble
In our December 4, 2017 Commercial, Competition & Trade Update, we discussed a recent 7th Circuit case in which the losing party in an…
Termination and Settlement Agreement is Really Final, In Spite of Efforts to Overturn
Most parties which conclude a release and settlement, or similar, agreement would probably expect the agreement to be final. According to a…
Another Failed Effort to Overturn Arbitration Award
In several previous Risk Management Updates, we have reported on losing parties' challenges to an arbitration award. While challenging an…
Fraudster and Victim Both Fail to Shift Loss
Anyone faced with a claim or a loss will look for someone else to pay the claim or bear the loss. In an interesting decision from the 7th…
Dealer's $6.5 Million Judgement Against Supplier Reversed Under Indiana Franchise Law
Courts and lawyers must deal with ambiguous statutes all the time. But Judge Wood's frustration with the Indiana Deceptive Franchise…
U.S. Supreme Court Finds Overseas Service of Suits by Mail is Permitted
U.S. Supreme Court Finds Overseas Service of Suits by Mail is Permitted Summary The United States Supreme Court, in an unanimous decision…
Another Illinois Case Decides When an Asset Purchaser is Responsible for Liabilities as a Mere Continuation of the Seller
In our Risk Management Update of December 23, 2015, we discussed an Illinois case that had to decide when a successor entity purchasing the…
Effects of Assignor's Bankruptcy on Assignment of Payment Stream
In a May 2, 2017 decision, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals decided the fate of a stream of rental payments from the bankrupt owner of a…
Litigation Update for April 2017
California Supreme Court Rules on Fee Awards in Forum Selection Clause Dismissals This past week, the California Supreme Court weighed in…
Employer Outsmarts Itself and Loses Over $5 Million
Juanita Berry worked as Vice President of Major Accounts for Telamon Corporation, an Indiana telecommunications company. Using her…
Litigation Snapshot for 2016
Victory Before the American Arbitration Association in New York City, July 8, 2016 Rein F. Krammer and David J. Stein capped off nearly…
Scam Targeting Attorneys Causes Big Loss To Bank
As many attorneys know, attorneys have been the frequent target of scams, such as those promising a big fee to assist in transferring funds…
U.S. Federal Judge Refuses to Alter Bankruptcy Orders Protecting Hanjin Shipping Co. Ltd.
Recent Events The federal district court in New Jersey recently denied an appeal by maritime creditors of Hanjin to lift bankruptcy…
Hanjin Shipping Now Under U.S. Bankruptcy Protection: Options for Shippers and Intermediaries
Yesterday afternoon in Newark, New Jersey, Judge John K. Sherwood of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court granted Hanjin Shipping Co. Ltd.'s request…
The Gap is Closing on Vessel Seizures in the Hanjin Emergency
The Wall Street Journal has recently observed that if Hanjin Shipping Co. Ltd. fails in its attempts to reorganize and emerge from…
Judges Clash in Overturning Arbitration Awards
The debate about arbitration vs. litigation goes on, with partisans both for and against. One argument used by both sides is the finality…
Despite (or Because of) Extensive Negotiations, No Contract and No Promissory Estoppel
A common scenario involves two parties involved in intense and prolonged negotiations that one party feels resulted in an enforceable…
Giving Up What You Are Entitled To
There were two recent cases from the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, one on May 16 and one on May 17. The parties, judges, and areas of law…
End-User Makes End-Run to Sue Manufacturer/Supplier of Competing Product
One of the issues to be negotiated in a distributorship agreement is the allocation between the manufacturer and the distributor of risks…
Another Corporate Veil Piercing Case – Sham Transactions Make Affiliates and Individuals Vulnerable
Suddenly courts in Illinois are issuing corporate veil piercing decisions. In our last update, we highlighted an Illinois Court of Appeals…
Extreme Example of "Piercing Corporate Veil"
It is standard legal advice for business lawyers to tell their clients to avoid claims of "piercing the corporate veil" by respecting the…
Trademark Infringement Suit That Should Not Have Been
Often trademark infringement suits result from the unanticipated intersection of two apparently unrelated products or services. Sometimes…
"Mere Continuation" Doctrine Applied to Transfer Liability to Successor Entity
It is an often-cited principle that an entity that purchases the assets of another entity is not liable for the debts and liabilities of…
Requirements Contract or Not? Courts Disagree
A contract for the sale of goods should state a quantity to be enforceable. (Uniform Commercial Code Article 2-201). Article 2 of the UCC…
Contract Says Terminable on 30 Days' Notice – But Court Says, Not Really
A recent case from the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals discussed an interesting issue of contract interpretation of termination provisions…
Be Careful Who You Contract with and Who You Don't Contract with – Non-Party Not Bound
Northbound Group, Inc. generated and sold life insurance leads under the brand name "Leadbot." It was fairly successful in the late 1990s…
Update: Bad Faith Negotiation or Hard Bargaining? Turns Out to Be Hard Bargaining
In an August 3, 2011 Business Update, we reported on a 7th Circuit decision which a thwarted purchaser of a business sued to recover a…
Dissatisfied Buyer Loses $2.7 Million on "Economic Loss" Doctrine
Child Craft, LLC (also known as Harrison Manufacturing, LLC) manufactured furniture for young children and infants. One of its key…
Wisconsin Dairy Equipment Manufacturer Gets Milked By Court
BouMatic is a Wisconsin dairy equipment manufacturer. Tilstra Dairy Equipment was its dealer in southwestern Ontario. BouMatic was not…
Contract With One-Sided Termination Enforced – Not a Perpetual Contract
In an earlier Risk Management Update, we reported on an Illinois case in which the court declined to enforce what it considered to be a…
Business Owner Loses $30 Million Through Lack of Due Diligence
William Carlson was a successful businessman. Carlson was the owner of Willis Capital LLC, through which he founded Belvedere Trading LLC…
"Exclusive" is a Dangerous Word to Use in Agreement
Many sales and distribution agreements purport to grant "exclusive" rights to a distributor or sales representative. A recent 7th Circuit…
California Court Allows Equitable Defense to Enforcement of Guaranty in Spite of General Waiver
Shortly before the new year, California's Fourth District Court of Appeal, sitting in Riverside, delivered some clarity to California's law…
Confidentiality Agreement Not Enough to Protect Confidential Information
Confidentiality agreements have become routine as a part of conducting business. Parties frequently exchange confidentiality agreements, or…
Ninth Circuit Allows Online Shoppers to Ignore Arbitration Agreement
In several earlier updates, we reported on Seventh Circuit cases striking down arbitration agreements in both the consumer and commercial…
Seventh Circuit Strikes Down Another Arbitration Provision
In an earlier Update, we reported on a 7th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals case that struck down an arbitration provision. (Deborah…
Court Strikes Down Bogus Arbitration Provision
Courts generally bend over backwards to enforce a freely negotiated arbitration provision, especially between commercial parties. But a…
Parties Held To Contract; Investor In Distressed Loans Loses Chance At Windfall
Courts, especially the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, are noted for holding parties to the terms of their contract, particularly…
Fictional "Clean Slate" Computer Program Used In Batman Movie Is Not Infringing Existing Trademark
A recent decision of the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals discussed the concept of "confusion" with respect to an unusual trademark…
Conan Doyle's Estate's "Quixotic" Efforts to Prevent Publication of Sherlock Holmes Book
A recent case from the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals illustrates the time and expense required to respond to even a non-meritorious claim of…
Case Again Illustrates Importance of Terms and Conditions Especially Choice of Law – Seller May Lose Chance to Claim Interest and Attorneys' Fees
VLM Food Trading International, Inc. (VLM) was a Canadian agricultural supplier. One of its customers was Illinois Trading Company…
Borrower Escapes, But Guarantor Does Not, on $17 Million Debt
In a recent Risk Management Update, we reported on an Illinois case in which Michael Finley, former NBA star, avoided liability on his…
Another Case Where Freedom of Contract Goes Too Far – A Perpetual Contract
In an earlier Risk Management Update, we reported on a case in which a court refused to enforce what it perceived as an unenforceable…
Illinois Court Either Confirms or Limits Scope of Illinois Sales Representative Statute
The Illinois Sales Representative Act (820 ILCS 120/0.01 et. seq.) ("Act") is intentionally very favorable to sales representatives. It…
Freedom of Contract Goes Too Far - $4.3 Million Escrow is Not Liquidated Damages, But Unenforceable Penalty
One of the principals courts repeatedly cite is that of freedom of contract. For example, in a recent Risk Management Update, we discussed…
Claimant Loses Big Jury Verdict Award of $1.1 Million by Waiving and Not Pursuing Damage Theory
Dr. Aristo Vojdani was the owner of Immunosciences Lab, Inc. In June 2007, Dr. Vojdani and Immunosciences (referred to for convenience as…
"Fiasco" Creates "Peculiar Case" – Unpaid Creditor Loses Chance for Summary Judgment
A common scenario in which a bank offered a line of credit based on a daily cash collateral report created a "peculiar case" which the…
Slow Creditor Loses Out on Chance to Collect $8 Million
There are cases when creditors, who are rarely favored with the passage of time, wait far too long to collect their debt. An example of a…
Protecting "Cracker Barrel" Trademark: Kraft Foods Has Good Week, Starbucks and Cracker Barrel Do Not
As was widely reported, on November 12, Kraft Foods won a $2.23 billion arbitration award against Starbucks arising from Starbucks' early…
Warning to Corporate Plaintiffs: Beware of Suing in a State Where you are Not Qualified
Corporations are created under state law. A corporation created under the law of one state can transact business in another (foreign)…
When Does Competition Become Tortious Interference?
It is common for parties who feel injured when the other party breaches its contract to claim damages. Of course, the most likely target is…
Former NBA Star Has to Take His Game to Another Level – Appeals Court Refuses to Enforce NBA Star's Personal Guaranty
Tim Grover is a celebrity athletic trainer whose clients have included Michael Jordan, Dwayne Wade, Scottie Pippen and other current and…
Limitation of Liability Contract Provision Enforced – Hotel Owner Loses $4.1 Million
It is common for a contract to include provisions that allocate risks and liabilities among the parties. These could range from a complete…
Effort to Reverse Arbitration Award Fails
In a recent Risk Management Update, we described the "arbitration from hell" in which the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed and vacated…
The Arbitration from Hell
Supporters of arbitration as a form of dispute resolution point to its many advantages. These include quicker resolution, finality and use…
Lessons for Secured Creditors in Recent Decision
A recent Seventh Circuit decision authored by Judge Posner offers several lessons for secured creditors competing over the same collateral…
Forum Selection Clause Enforces "Home Court" Advantage
As playoff season approaches in professional football, basketball and other sports, teams will compete for "home court" advantage. Most…
Without a License, Distributor Not Franchisee, Says New Jersey Federal Court
One of the banes of a commercial lawyer is the distinction between an ordinary distributorship and a "franchise" under state law. Most…
Risks and Rewards of Sales Requirements in Distributor and Sales Representative Agreements
Suppliers, when appointing a distributor or a sales representative, will often want to include minimum sales requirements. These…
Written Sales Representative Agreement Succeeds in Limiting Commissions of Terminated Representative
It is common for manufacturers and sellers of products to use independent sales representatives to generate sales. These arrangements can…
Statute of Frauds Defense Fails Based on Course of Dealing
The statute of frauds requires certain contracts to be evidenced by a writing to be enforceable. It is based on an English statute from the…
Business Update: Action to "Pierce Corporate Veil" Fails – Another Creditor Spurned
The 7th Circuit has again left a disappointed creditor with no recourse because of the creditor's failure to do basic investigation or take…
Litigation Practice Group Presents Protecting Your Company Assets: Inventory and Intellectual Property
Exclusive Event - By Invitation Only 8:00 am - Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:45-11:30 am - Presentations This seminar will be…
訴訟案件レポート(2025年)ー 増田・舟井の訴訟部門が2024年中に成功に導いた主な訴訟案件
Favorable Resolution of Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (“RICO”) Claims in U.S. District Court, Ninth Circuit Court of…
Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. is pleased to announce the addition of Yeoeun C. Yoon as an Associate in the firm's Chicago office…
Masuda Funai demonstrated its ability to resolve complex legal matters involving multiple practice areas and jurisdictions by obtaining the…
Masuda Funai Hosts Northern Ireland Delegation
Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell Ltd. hosted the Northern Ireland Delegation on April 16, 2018 as part of its ABC Mission visit to Chicago…
Litigation Snapshot 2017
Highlighting a Few of our Litigation Practice Group Successes Bankruptcy: Equipment Supplier’s Victory Against Bankrupt Debtor, December…
Masuda Funai Elects Two New Principals
Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell , Ltd. is pleased to announce that Michael S. Golenson and David J. Stein have been promoted to Principal…
Gary Vist and Michael Golenson Speaking at the 6th Annual Litigation Seminars in Japan
Masuda Funai attorneys Gary Vist and Michael Golenson will be speaking at the 6th annual Fronteo/Masuda Funai/Kitahama Partners litigation…
The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois Awards Excellence in Pro Bono Service to Frank J. Del Barto and David J. Stein
PRESS RELEASE CHICAGO - Frank J. Del Barto and David J. Stein from Masuda, Funai, Eifert & Mitchell, Ltd. received awards for excellence…
Masuda Funai Showcases Excellence in Litigation Wins March/April 2017
CHICAGO – Masuda Funai's litigators continued their string of recent victories with two wins in employment-related litigation over the last…
Masuda Funai Showcases Excellence in Litigation Win March 2017
CHICAGO – On March 15, 2017, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee rejected an auto parts manufacturer's…
Masuda Funai Showcases Excellence in Litigation Win February 2017
CHICAGO – On February 28, 2017, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, following a bench…
"Promoter Wars: Round 1 | Top Rank & Golden Boy Fire First Shot" - Royal Divide Magazine, Aug 11, 2015
"The Risk of Proffering Financial Expert Testimony in Lay Witness Clothing: The Limits of Rule 701 of the Federal Rules of Evidence" - Litigation Forensics Board of the NACVA, National Litigation Consultant's Review, Vol. 2, 2013